Author: Stuart M. Butler

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Guidelines for Real Welfare Reform
Publication Date: March 1988 Research Area: Social conditions
Why Asset Sales Are Good Public Policy
Publication Date: February 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
At the Economic Summit: The Key Topic Must Be Spending
Publication Date: October 1987 Research Area: Economics
Privatization: An Answer to the Sandinistas
Publication Date: March 1987 Research Area: Economics
In the Federal Budget Game, Reagan Holds the Best Cards
Publication Date: January 1987 Research Area: Banking and finance
Reagan's Bold Welfare Initiative Offers Hope for the Poor
Publication Date: December 1986 Research Area: Social conditions
How Reagan Can Put Privatization Back on Track
Publication Date: December 1986 Research Area: Business
On Catastrophic Health Care, Otis Bowen Undermines Reagan Policy
Publication Date: November 1986 Research Area: Health
How the Department of Labor Is Crushing American Samoa
Publication Date: August 1986 Research Area: Labor
Privatizing Federal Services: A Primer
Publication Date: February 1986 Research Area: Government
Another Shady Bait-and-Switch Tax Deal
Publication Date: July 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
A Reagan Veto to Help South Africa's Blacks
Publication Date: June 1985 Research Area: Government
An Investment Strategy to Undermine Apartheid
Publication Date: April 1985 Research Area: Government
Breaking the Budget Impasse
Publication Date: April 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
An End Run on Legal Services?
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: Justice; Politics
Public Housing: From Tenants to Homeowners
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: Social conditions
Privatization: A Strategy for Cutting Federal Spending
Publication Date: December 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance
Lessons of the Tory Triumph
Publication Date: June 1983 Research Area: Politics
An Amtrak for Space? No, Thanks
Publication Date: April 1983 Research Area: Science and technology