Author: James Jay Carafano

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Strengthening Visa Management
Publication Date: October 2005 Research Area: Government
Coast Guard Modernization Is Integral to the Success of the Secure Border Initiative
Publication Date: October 2005 Research Area: Military and defense
Immigration Enforcement: A Better Idea for Returning Illegal Aliens
Publication Date: October 2005 Research Area: Population and demographics
Learning Katrina's Lessons: Coast Guard Modernization Is a Must
Publication Date: September 2004 Research Area: Military and defense
Talking Through Disasters: The Federal Role in Emergency Communications
Publication Date: September 2004 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information
Time to Rethink Airport Security
Publication Date: September 2004 Research Area: Government; Transportation
Beyond the Rainbow Plans: Military Industrial and Mobilization Planning in an Uncertain Century
Publication Date: September 2004 Research Area: Government; Military and defense