Author: Kim R. Holmes

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Bush Lost His Way at the Washington Summit
Publication Date: June 1990 Research Area: Government
A Wiseman Commission to Craft America's Post-Cold War Foreign and Defense Policy
Publication Date: May 1990 Research Area: Government; Military and defense
What Is at Risk in El Salvador
Publication Date: December 1989 Research Area: Government
What America Can Do About the German Question, Which Again Haunts Europe
Publication Date: November 1989 Research Area: Government
World Revolutionary Change and the Rise of the American Nation in the 21st Century
Publication Date: August 1989 Research Area: Economics; International relations
Balancing the Risks and Opportunities of Arms Control in Europe
Publication Date: May 1989 Research Area: International relations
In Nuclear Arms Talks, Go Slow on START
Publication Date: January 1989 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
The Strategic Defense Initiative: Myth and Reality
Publication Date: July 1988 Research Area: Military and defense
More Tasks for U.S. Cruise Missiles
Publication Date: March 1988 Research Area: Military and defense
The Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy
Publication Date: January 1988 Research Area: International relations
Basing Deterrence on Strategic Defense
Publication Date: December 1987 Research Area: Military and defense
Strengthening America's Defense: Six Steps
Publication Date: October 1987 Research Area: Military and defense
Why the U.S. Needs SDI
Publication Date: August 1987 Research Area: Military and defense
Why the Physicists' SDI Study Is Flawed
Publication Date: April 1987 Research Area: Military and defense; Science and technology
The Case for Deploying SDI in the 1990's
Publication Date: March 1987 Research Area: Military and defense
Weighing the Evidence: How the ABM Treaty Permits A Strategic Defense System
Publication Date: February 1987 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Technology Speeds the Strategic Defense Initiative Timetable
Publication Date: January 1987 Research Area: Military and defense
The Threshold Test Ban Treaty: Verification Is the Sole Stumbling Block
Publication Date: January 1987 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
U.S. -Soviet-China Relations and Strategic Defense
Publication Date: October 1986 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
While Opposing Reagan's SDI , Moscow Pushes Its Own Star Wars
Publication Date: October 1986 Research Area: Military and defense