Author: Kim R. Holmes

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The Courter Amendment: Transforming Strategic Defense into Reality
Publication Date: August 1986 Research Area: Military and defense
A Solid Case for Pentagon Reorganization
Publication Date: May 1986 Research Area: Military and defense
The Conventional Arms Balance, Part 2: The U.S. Army Must Counter Soviet Gains
Publication Date: April 1986 Research Area: Military and defense
How to Save Money at the Pentagon While Improving the Nation's Defense
Publication Date: March 1986 Research Area: Military and defense
The Conventional Arms Balance, Part 1: The Threatening Soviet Lead
Publication Date: February 1986 Research Area: Military and defense
Closing the Military Airlift Gap
Publication Date: January 1986 Research Area: Military and defense
A Strategy for U.S. SALT II Compliance
Publication Date: December 1985 Research Area: International relations
Assessing the Summit: The Wilson Principles
Publication Date: October 1985 Research Area: Government