Author: Dean Baker

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What Happened to Argentina?
Publication Date: January 2002 Research Area: Economics
The New Economy Recession: Economic Scorecard 2001
Publication Date: December 2001 Research Area: Economics
Stock Returns for Dummies
Publication Date: December 2001 Research Area: Economics
The New Economy Goes Bust: What the Record Shows
Publication Date: October 2001 Research Area: Economics
The Problems Facing Social Security
Publication Date: August 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
The World Bank's Attack on Social Security
Publication Date: August 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
Defaulting on the Social Security Trust Fund Bonds: Winners and Losers
Publication Date: July 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
Effective Currency Transactions Taxes: The Need to Tax Derivatives
Publication Date: July 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
Vaccine Buying Pools: Is More Protectionism the Best Route?
Publication Date: May 2001 Research Area: Law and ethics
Gaining with Trade?
Publication Date: March 2001 Research Area: Economics
NAIRU: Dangerous Dogma at the Fed
Publication Date: December 2000 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Costs of the Stock Market Bubble
Publication Date: November 2000 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Administrative Costs of the Bush and Gore Proposals for Individual Accounts
Publication Date: July 2000 Research Area: Banking and finance