Author: Daniella Markheim

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Farm Subsidies, Free Trade, and the Doha Round
Publication Date: February 2007 Research Area: Trade
Reauthorize Trade Promotion Authority Without New Restrictions
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Trade
U.S. Trade Policy in the 110th Congress
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Trade
Congress Should Extend Developing Country Trade Preferences
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Trade
U.S. Trade Policy Tracker: An Update
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Trade
Commit to Farm Subsidy Reform to Revive the WTO's Doha Round
Publication Date: July 2006 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Trade
Free Trade and American Prosperity
Publication Date: April 2006 Research Area: Trade
The Need for CFIUS Reform to Address Homeland Security Concerns
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance
U.S. Trade Policy Tracker
Publication Date: September 2004 Research Area: Trade