Author: Daniel J. Mitchell

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Washington's Budget Binge: Getting Even Worse
Publication Date: August 1992 Research Area: Banking and finance
Solving the Federal Spending Crisis with a Balanced Budget Amendment
Publication Date: June 1992 Research Area: Banking and finance
Bush's Fiscal 1993 Budget: More Taxes, More Spending, and Missed Opportunities
Publication Date: January 1992 Research Area: Banking and finance
How the Kasten-Weber Tax Cut will Spur Economic Growth
Publication Date: November 1991 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Bentsen Tax Cut: Rediscovering Reaganomics
Publication Date: October 1991 Research Area: Banking and finance
Tax Rates, Fairness, and Economic Growth: Lessons from the 1980s
Publication Date: October 1991 Research Area: Economics
Time to Repeal the Cold War Tax
Publication Date: October 1991 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Results Are in on the 1990 Budget Agreement
Publication Date: July 1991 Research Area: Economics
Federal Spending Limits: A First Step to Restore Fiscal Sanity
Publication Date: April 1991 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Facts About Cutting Social Security Taxes
Publication Date: March 1991 Research Area: Banking and finance
The "New" Budget Agreement, Part V: The Brink of Disaster
Publication Date: October 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
The "New" Budget Agreement, Part I: From Bad to Worse
Publication Date: October 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
The Budget Summit Agreement , Part VII: Economics Speak Out
Publication Date: October 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
The Four Percent Solution to the Deficit Impasse
Publication Date: September 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
A Six-Plank Platform to Save the Economy from Recession
Publication Date: September 1990 Research Area: Economics
Solving the Deficit Problem: A Tax Limitation/Balanced Budget Amendment
Publication Date: July 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Bush's Deplorable Flip-Flop On Taxes
Publication Date: June 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
Mr. President, Keep Your Promise: No New Taxes
Publication Date: May 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
In the Battle of the Budget Bush Should Read His Own Lips
Publication Date: May 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance