Author: Stephen Moore

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Rx for Ailing U.S. Mass Transit Policy: A Dose of Competition
Publication Date: October 1986 Research Area: Transportation
Christmas in October: Why Reagan Should Veto the Continuing Resolution
Publication Date: September 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance
Cutting the Deficit $5 Billion Without Hiking Taxes
Publication Date: August 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance
How Congress Can Defuse the Federal Housing Administration Time Bomb
Publication Date: July 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance; Social conditions
States and Cities Pay a High Price for Their Federal Aid
Publication Date: July 1986 Research Area: Government
By Raising Spending and Killing the Deferral, The House Concocts a Taxpayer's Nightmare
Publication Date: April 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Senate Committee's Proposed Budget: It Could Hardly Be Worse
Publication Date: March 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance
How to Privatize Federal Services by Contracting Out
Publication Date: March 1986 Research Area: Government
Breaking the Entitlements Deadlock with a Presidential Commission
Publication Date: November 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
The Deficit Control Act: A First Victory in the War on the Deficit
Publication Date: October 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Odds Are, Reagan Can Make His Vetoes Stick
Publication Date: September 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Reagan's Trump Card: The Veto
Publication Date: July 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
A Guide to the Reagan Budget
Publication Date: February 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance