Author: James A. Phillips

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Turkey: An Increasingly Key Strategic Asset for the U.S,
Publication Date: October 1987 Research Area: Government
High Stakes for the U.S. in the Persian Gulf
Publication Date: July 1987 Research Area: Government
The Continuing Need for a U.S. Opening to Iran
Publication Date: March 1987 Research Area: Government
Updating U.S. Strategy for Helping Afghan Freedom Fighters
Publication Date: December 1986 Research Area: Government
Options for the U.S. As Egypt's Time of Reckoning Nears
Publication Date: November 1986 Research Area: Economics
America's Security Stake in Israel
Publication Date: July 1986 Research Area: Government
A Yellow Light for U.S. Arms Sales to the Saudis
Publication Date: May 1986 Research Area: Government; Military and defense
A U.S. Strategy for Dealing with Syria
Publication Date: December 1985 Research Area: Government
U.S. -Greece Relations: An Agonizing Reappraisal
Publication Date: July 1985 Research Area: Government
Reagan's Blunt Message to Egypt's Mubarak
Publication Date: March 1985 Research Area: Government
Ethiopia's Kremlin Connection
Publication Date: January 1985 Research Area: International relations
Moscow's Thriving Libyan Connection
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: International relations
In Afghanistan, Moscow Ridicules the U.N.
Publication Date: May 1984 Research Area: International relations
Moscow Stalks the Persian Gulf
Publication Date: February 1984 Research Area: Government
U.S. Aid for Afghan Freedom Fighters Overdue
Publication Date: February 1984 Research Area: Government
Standing Firm in Lebanon
Publication Date: October 1983 Research Area: International relations
As Israel and the Arabs Battle, Moscow Collects the Dividends
Publication Date: September 1983 Research Area: International relations
A Mounting Soviet Threat to the Northern Tier
Publication Date: July 1983 Research Area: International relations
Afghanistan Three Years Later: More U.S. Help Needed
Publication Date: December 1982 Research Area: Government; International relations
For Hussein, Time to Get Off the Fence
Publication Date: December 1982 Research Area: International relations