Author: Brian M. Riedl

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Don't Be Fooled: House Farm Bill Weakens Payment Limits
Publication Date: July 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mid-Session Budget Review Shows Surging Tax Revenues
Publication Date: July 2007 Research Area: Economics
House Transparency Rules Reveal that Pork Projects Tilt Heavily Toward Appropriators
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
How Farm Subsidies Harm Taxpayers, Consumers, and Farmers, Too
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
The House Democrats' $23 Billion Pork Slush Fund and Spending Spree
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
Budget Resolution Calls for Massive Tax Hikes and Spending Increases
Publication Date: May 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
Lawmakers Should Reject Another Irresponsible Supplemental Farm Bailout
Publication Date: May 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
The Senate Budget: A $2,641 Per Household Tax Increase and No Entitlement Reforms
Publication Date: March 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
Congress Hijacks Troop Funding for Pork
Publication Date: March 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
Congress Should Not Lard Up the War Supplemental Bill
Publication Date: March 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
Farm Subsidies, Free Trade, and the Doha Round
Publication Date: February 2007 Research Area: Trade
Bush Budget Reins in Entitlement Costs
Publication Date: February 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
Ten Myths About the Bush Tax Cuts
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
New CBO Budget Baseline Shows Entitlement Spending Imperiling Deficit Reduction Goals
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
Halving Student Loan Interest Rates Is Unaffordable and Ineffective
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Education
Memo to Speaker Pelosi: How to Make PAYGO Discipline the Federal Budget
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Will New Congress Be Santa to Taxpayers and Grinch to Lobbyists?
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance
A Taxpayer Victory Against Wasteful Agricultural Subsidies
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing