Publisher: Center for Economic and Policy Research

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Taxing Financial Speculation: Shifting the Tax Burden from Wages to Wagers
Publication Date: February 2000 Research Area: Banking and finance
Globalization: A Primer
Publication Date: October 1999 Research Area: Trade
A Survey of the Impacts of IMF Structural Adjustment in Africa
Publication Date: April 1999 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Tax Provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Publication Date: Research Area: Banking and finance
Summary of Tax Provisions in Economic Recovery Legislation
Publication Date: Research Area: Banking and finance
Leave No Child Behind
Publication Date: Research Area: Banking and finance
Unions and Upward Mobility for Women Workers
Publication Date: Research Area: Labor
The Benefits of a Financial Transactions Tax
Publication Date: Research Area: Banking and finance
The Key to Stabilizing House Prices: Bring Them Down
Publication Date: Research Area: Social conditions
Measuring Poverty and Economic Inclusion
Publication Date: Research Area: Social conditions