Publisher: Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education

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Mitzvot Pairs
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
Zimmer Children's Museum Helps Children Explore Community and Social Responsibility
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
The Jewish Message as Medium: Jewish Education in the Information Age
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
The Space between the Silos: Nurturing the Jewish Ecosystem
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
New Recipes for Jewish Diversity Education
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
Why Write Another Report About Mentoring?
Publication Date: June 2006 Research Area: Education
A Benevolent Tether: A Mentoring Program for the Jewish Community High School
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
Creating a Mentoring Culture
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Education
Continuity and Change in Contemporary Jewish Life: The Case of Me'ah
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
Spirituality and Prayer in Community Hebrew High Schools
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
Intensive Mentoring in Jewish Day Schools
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Education
Marketing Prayer
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Culture and religion
Mentoring as a Staff Development Tool For New and Veteran Staff
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
KEREN MACHAR: The Fund for Tomorrow
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education; Social conditions
Starting at the Beginning: Basic Pedagogic Skills for Novice Religious School Teachers
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
Mentoring Your Way to Board Development
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance; Culture and religion