Publisher: Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.)

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The Omnibus: "Stealth" Security Provision Is Unnecessary
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Government; Manufacturing and industry
Omnibus Prohibits Oil Shale Development
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Energy
Omnibus Eliminates Funding for the Reliable Replacement Warhead Program
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Military and defense
CBO Confirms: Long-Run Fiscal Outlook Remains Grim
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Health
Omnibus Spending Bill Busts the Budget to Pay for Pork
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
What Separation of Powers Means for Constitutional Government
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Government
The Power of Words: Reflections on 1,000 Heritage Lectures, 1980-2007
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Government; Politics
Spending Hikes: A Guide to the Gimmicks
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
Securing Liberty: The Purpose and Importance of the Bill of Rights
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Government; Human rights
Watch Out for Budget Gimmicks in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Scrap the Senate Farm Bill and Start Over
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Health Insurance Reform: What Families Should Know
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Health
How Congress Is Killing Competition: The Future of Specialty Hospitals
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Health
The U.S. Should Oppose the Largest Budget Increase in U.N. History
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: International relations
HOPE NOW: One Step to Resolve the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance; Social conditions
Heritage Foundation Statement to the United Nations Human Rights Council
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Human rights; International relations
The AMT Patch: A Few Months Late and $51 Billion Heavy
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance