Publisher: Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.)

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The United States Must Increase the Pressure on Zimbabwe
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Government
International Trade as an Engine for Development
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Trade
Fighting Terrorism, Addressing Liability: A Global Proposal
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Military and defense
U.S. International Broadcasting on the Frontlines of Freedom
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: International relations; Media, telecommunications, and information
Preserving Coalition Government Key to U.S. Objectives in Pakistan
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Government; Politics
Cuba Solidarity Day 2008: Remembering Our Totalitarian Neighbor
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Politics
Congress Should Not Attach Extended UI Benefits to Troop Funding
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Labor; Military and defense
The Good and Bad Approaches to Affordable Energy Policy
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Energy
No-Match Immigration Enforcement: Time for Action
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Labor; Military and defense
Homeland Security in the Next Administration
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Government
Time to Repeal the Ethanol Mandate
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Energy
Russia 123 Agreement: Not Ready for Primetime
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Energy
Federal Funds and State Fiscal Independence
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Government
Sunshine' Should Not Trump Privacy in Civil Litigation
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Justice; Law and ethics