Publisher: Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.)

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John Bolton: An Effective Force for U.S. Interests at the United Nations
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: International relations
Is Economic Freedom for Everyone?
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Politics
Congress Returns to Spending Bills Loaded With Pork
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Government
U.S. Interests and Central Asia Energy Security
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Government
Fusing Homeland Defense Competency.
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Card Check Undermines Workplace Democracy
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Labor
An Agreement Among Allies: Advancing the Korea-U.S. FTA
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Trade
Britain Must Not Retreat From Iraq
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Government
Equipping the Army National Guard for the 21st Century
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Countering Iran's Oil Weapon
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Grassroots Response: Citizens Taking Care of Citizens During Disasters
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Government; Social conditions
Who Will Regulate the Regulators? The Battle Over Susan Dudley and OIRA
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Government
After Rumsfeld: Next Steps for the National Defense
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Saddam Hussein Adjudged Serial Mass Murder
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Politics
Ortega's Comeback: Charisma with an Iron Grip?
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Government
How Minority Leader Pelosi Can Use the Lame Duck Session to Restore Integrity to the Federal Budget Process
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government