Publisher: Jewish Communal Service Association of North America

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The Second Agenda
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion
Challenges to Social Planning in Federations
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion
Jewish Values in a World of Change: The Role of Jewish Communal Service
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion
Tzedakah: The Highest Mitzvah
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion
Jewish Resourcefulness: A Response to Shrinking Resources
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion
The Myth of Community in the Sunbelt
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion
The Six Percent Solution: An Analysis of Hate Legislation in Canada
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Jewish Education in the Jewish Community Center
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
Training for the "Jewish" in Jewish Family Life Education
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Treatment of Children Upon Death of their Parent
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Social conditions
Ethics in Planning in the Jewish Communal Service Professions
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion
Progress and Problems in Federation Social Planning
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: Social conditions
Social Marketing and Federations
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance; Social conditions
Corporate Jews and Corporate Giving Programs: Untapped Resources for the Jewish Community
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance; Social conditions
Growing Old in Jewish America: A Study of Jewish Aged in Los Angeles
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
Psychosocial Effects of the Holocaust on Aging Survivors and Their Families
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions