Publisher: Jewish Communal Service Association of North America

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Anti-Semitism 1974: Its Meaning For Jewish Communal Services
Publication Date: September 1974 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Availability of Resources for Local Services in View of the Israeli Crisis
Publication Date: September 1974 Research Area: Banking and finance; International relations
Considerations in Planning Services for The Elderly
Publication Date: September 1974 Research Area: Population and demographics
Contrasting Models to Community Welfare: Plato and Maimonides
Publication Date: September 1974 Research Area: Social conditions
Jews in Jeopardy
Publication Date: September 1974 Research Area: International relations
The Challenge to the Communal Worker of the Uncommitted Among Jewry
Publication Date: September 1974 Research Area: Social conditions
The Changing Family Pattern and the Persistence of Tradition in the Jewish Community: A Case Study
Publication Date: September 1974 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
The Crisis in Jewish Life: the Aftermath of the Yom Kippur War (1)
Publication Date: September 1974 Research Area: International relations; Social conditions
The Crisis in Jewish Life: the Aftermath of the Yom Kippur War (2)
Publication Date: September 1974 Research Area: Social conditions
The Relevance (or Irrelevance) of Consequences to Social Work Ethics
Publication Date: September 1974 Research Area: Social conditions
The Layman and the Professional
Publication Date: June 1959 Research Area: Social conditions
The Role of the Jewish Center Worker in a Changing Community
Publication Date: June 1959 Research Area: Social conditions
Attitudes Toward Social Welfare -- A Social Work Hurdle
Publication Date: June 1959 Research Area: Social conditions
Dynamics of Group Counseling
Publication Date: June 1959 Research Area: Social conditions
The Casework Consultant in Camp
Publication Date: June 1959 Research Area: Social conditions
Training Volunteers for Service in a Home for the Aged
Publication Date: June 1959 Research Area: Social conditions