Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service

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The Emoluments Clause: History, Law, and Precedents
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Government
The UNESCO Wold Heritage Convention: Congressional Issues
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Culture and religion; International relations
Refugee and Asylum-Seeker Inflows in the United States and Other OECD Member States
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Population and demographics
Refugee and Asylum-Seeker Inflows in the United States and Other OECD Member States
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Population and demographics
Biofuels Incentives: A Summary of Federal Programs
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Energy
Africa Command: U.S. Strategic Interests and the Role of the U.S. Military in Africa
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Government; Military and defense
Africa Command: U.S. Strategic Interests and the Role of the U.S. Military in Africa
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Government; Military and defense
Economic Slowdown: Issues and Policies
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Economics
Membership of the 111th Congress: A Profile
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Government
Nuclear Arms Control: The Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Military and defense
Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Government
Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Government
Medicare: Part B Premiums
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Health