Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service

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Military Airlift: The Joint Cargo Aircraft Program
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Military and defense
U.S. Foreign Aid to East and South Asia: Selected Recipients
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Economics; Government
Millennium Challenge Account
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Government
The Gulf Security Dialogue and Related Arms Sale Proposals
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Unauthorized Alien Students, Higher Education, and In-State Tuition Rates: A Legal Analysis
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Education; Population and demographics
Civilian Nuclear Waste Disposal
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Environment
Unauthorized Alien Students, Higher Education, and In-State Tuition Rates: A Legal Analysis
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Education; Population and demographics
Pipeline Safety and Security: Federal Programs
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Energy
Measuring and Monitoring Carbon in the Agricultural and Forestry Sectors
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Environment
Administering Green Programs in Congress: Issues and Options
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Environment
EPA's Final Health and Safety Standard for Yucca Mountain
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Environment
Minerals Price Increases and Volatility: Causes and Consequences
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry