Publisher: National Center for Policy Analysis (U.S.)

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Do Drug Courts Work?
Publication Date: August 2010 Research Area: Government
The Limit of Tax Revenues
Publication Date: August 2010 Research Area: Government
Is a VAT the Answer?
Publication Date: August 2010 Research Area: Government
Education Vouchers Benefit Edgewood Economy
Publication Date: July 2010 Research Area: Education
The Likely Effect of the Federal Budget Deficit
Publication Date: July 2010 Research Area: Government
Should Carried Interest Be Taxed as Ordinary Income?
Publication Date: July 2010 Research Area: Government
The Myth of Financial Reregulation
Publication Date: June 2010 Research Area: Government
The Myth of the "Doc Fix"
Publication Date: June 2010 Research Area: Health
Emergency Room Visits Likely to Increase Under ObamaCare
Publication Date: June 2010 Research Area: Government; Health
Should You Convert to a Roth IRA?
Publication Date: June 2010 Research Area: Economics
The New Long-Term Care Entitlement
Publication Date: June 2010 Research Area: Health
Critical Condition: Primary Care Physician Shortages
Publication Date: May 2010 Research Area: Health
TARP: A Loan Not a Gift
Publication Date: May 2010 Research Area: Trade
What about Those Deficits?
Publication Date: May 2010 Research Area: Economics; Government; Trade
Obama's Tax on Job Creation
Publication Date: May 2010 Research Area: Government
Green Jobs: Hope or Hype Redux
Publication Date: April 2010 Research Area: Labor
New Taxes on the Wealthy Are Bad News for Everyone
Publication Date: April 2010 Research Area: Economics; Government
Nuclear Power Development: Removing Roadblocks
Publication Date: March 2010 Research Area: Environment; Government
Education Vouchers Benefit Edgewood Students
Publication Date: March 2010 Research Area: Education
Congress Declares War on HSAs
Publication Date: March 2010 Research Area: Health