Publisher: Public Agenda Foundation

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Life After High School: Young People Talk about Their Hopes and Prospects
Publication Date: February 2005 Research Area: Education
Publisher(s): Public Agenda Foundation Author(s): Jean Johnson
All Work and No Play?: Listening to What Kids and Parents Really Want from Out-of-School Time
Publication Date: November 2004 Research Area: Education; Social conditions
Public Attitudes on Higher Education: A Trend Analysis, 1993 to 2003
Publication Date: February 2004 Research Area: Education
Publisher(s): Public Agenda Foundation Author(s): John Immerwahr
Push Comes to Shove: Passengers and Travel Workers Call Rudeness a Real Problem
Publication Date: December 2003 Research Area: Transportation
Publisher(s): Public Agenda Foundation
With Diploma in Hand: Hispanic High School Seniors Talk about their Future
Publication Date: June 2003 Research Area: Education
Publisher(s): Public Agenda Foundation Author(s): John Immerwahr
Now That I'm Here: What America's Immigrants Have to Say About Life in the U.S. Today
Publication Date: January 2003 Research Area: Population and demographics