Publisher: Reason Foundation

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Enabling Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation in California
Publication Date: September 2006 Research Area: Transportation
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): George Passantino
Business Jets and ATC User Fees: Taking a Closer Look
Publication Date: August 2006 Research Area: Transportation
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Robert W. Jr. Poole
Statewide Regulatory Takings Reform: Exporting Oregon's Measure 37 to Other States
Publication Date: April 2006 Research Area: Economics
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Leonard C. Gilroy
The Case Against Universal Preschool in California
Publication Date: February 2006 Research Area: Education
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Lisa Snell
Airport Security: Time for a New Model
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Government; Transportation
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Robert W. Jr. Poole
Resolving the Crisis in Air Traffic Control Funding
Publication Date: May 2005 Research Area: Transportation
California's K-12 Education Primer
Publication Date: May 2005 Research Area: Education
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Lisa Snell
New Approaches to Affordable Housing
Publication Date: May 2005 Research Area: Social conditions
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Chris Fiscelli
Funding the National Park System: Improving Services and Accountability with User Fees
Publication Date: April 2005 Research Area: Environment
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Adam B. Summers
How to Tackle Some of LA's Problems
Publication Date: March 2005 Research Area: Government
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation
School Accountability Reforms Only Work With Parental Involvement
Publication Date: March 2005 Research Area: Education
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Chuck Poochigian
Eminent Domain, Private Property, and Redevelopment: An Economic Analysis
Publication Date: February 2005 Research Area: Economics
Eminent Domain, Private Property, and Redevelopment: An Economic Analysis
Publication Date: February 2005 Research Area: Economics; Law and ethics
School Violence and No Child Left Behind: Best Practices to Keep Kids Safe
Publication Date: January 2005 Research Area: Education; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Lisa Snell