Research Area: Radioactive and dangerous substances

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Toxic waste : hazardous to Asia's health
Publication Date: January 1997 Research Area: Environment
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): David Nelson
Recycling Hazardous Waste: How RCRA has Recyclers Running Around in CERCLAS
Publication Date: October 1995 Research Area: Environment
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Alexander Volokh
Why the Superfund Pork Barrel Deserves a Veto
Publication Date: October 1986 Research Area: Environment
The Many Hazards of a Mega-Superfund
Publication Date: June 1985 Research Area: Environment
Superfund Extension: How Much Is Enough?
Publication Date: April 1985 Research Area: Environment
The Super Problems with Superfund Extension
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Environment
For Hazardous Waste Policy, Washington Is the Real Hazard
Publication Date: June 1983 Research Area: Environment
Nuclear By-Products : A Resource for the Future
Publication Date: January 1978 Research Area: Energy; Environment