Research Area: Land resources and use

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Agriculture Conservation Programs: A Scorecard
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Environment
Here We Go Again: What the Money Trail Tells Oregonians about Measure 49
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Environment; Politics
Publisher(s): Democracy Reform Oregon Author(s): Sarah Wetherson
Taking the Public Trust: How a New York Real Estate Developer Is Threatening State Governments in the West
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Business; Environment; Politics
Publisher(s): Public Citizen, inc. Author(s): John O'Donnell
The Rochester High Falls District Looking to the Future
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Economics; Environment
Land and Water Conservation Fund: Overview, Funding History, and Current Issues
Publication Date: July 2006 Research Area: Environment; Social conditions