Research Area: Central or federal government

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Reinvention Has Not Ended the Era of Big Government
Publication Date: September 2002 Research Area: Government
TANF Reauthorization Policy Suggestions
Publication Date: January 2001 Research Area: Government; Social conditions
Government decentralization and resource rent revenue sharing : issues and policy
Publication Date: January 1999 Research Area: Economics; Government
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Allen L. Clark
Tax Cuts and Balanced Budgets: Lessons from the States
Publication Date: September 1996 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Publisher(s): Cato Institute Author(s): Dean Stansel, Moore Stephen
A Budget Strategy to Reinvent the Federal Government
Publication Date: January 1995 Research Area: Government
Cut Their Pay and Send Them Home
Publication Date: October 1994 Research Area: Government