Research Area: Central or federal government

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How Washington Boosts State and Local Budget Deficits
Publication Date: July 1992 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Prospects for Conservatives, Part III: The Behemoth State, Centralization
Publication Date: December 1990 Research Area: Government; Politics
Congressional Ethics, and the Administrative State
Publication Date: December 1989 Research Area: Government
The State of the States: Time for a Bush Federalism
Publication Date: November 1989 Research Area: Government
President and Congress: A Bicentennial Perspective
Publication Date: November 1989 Research Area: Government
The Regulatory Revolution and the New Bureaucratic State, Part II
Publication Date: February 1989 Research Area: Government
The Regulatory Revolution and the New Bureaucratic State
Publication Date: April 1988 Research Area: Government
Fiscal Federalism: A Constitutional Approach to the Deficit Problem
Publication Date: January 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Preemptive Strikes on State Autonomy: The Role of Congress
Publication Date: April 1987 Research Area: Government