Research Area: Executive power

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Judicial Rulings on the War Power
Publication Date: August 1999 Research Area: Government
A Summary of the Policy Initiatives Made by President Clinton in the State of the Union Address
Publication Date: January 1999 Research Area: Government
Publisher(s): Cato Institute Author(s): Casey Jr. Lartigue
Scorecard on Clinton's First 100 Days
Publication Date: April 1993 Research Area: Government
Ethics As Politics: Congress vs. the Executive Branch
Publication Date: July 1989 Research Area: Government
A Presidential Strategy for Repealing the War Powers Resolution
Publication Date: April 1989 Research Area: Government
The Odds Are, Reagan Can Make His Vetoes Stick
Publication Date: September 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Reagan's Trump Card: The Veto
Publication Date: July 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government