Research Area: Foreign relations

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The Rise of China and Its Effect on Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea: U.S. Policy Choices
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Government; International relations
Failed States and Flawed Logic: The Case against a Standing Nation-Building Office
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Government
Publisher(s): Cato Institute Author(s): Christopher Preble, Justin Logan
Plan Colombia: A Progress Report
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Government
Conditions on U.S. Aid to Serbia
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Government
China's rise : implications for U.S. leadership in Asia
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Government
Taiwan's rising rationalism : generations, politics, and "Taiwanese nationalism"
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Government; Politics
Publisher(s): East-West Center Washington Author(s): Shelley Rigger
Challenges for U.S.-Asia Pacific policy in the second Bush administration
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Government
Publisher(s): East-West Center
The United States and Asia : assessing problems and prospects.
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Economics; Government
Publisher(s): East-West Center
Is that the best you can do? : a tale of two Micronesian economies
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Economics; Government
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Francis X. Hezel
Poverty reduction in the 'tribal belt' of Eastern India
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Government; Social conditions