Research Area: Foreign relations

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Jerusalem: The U.S. Embassy and P.L. 104-45
Publication Date: September 1999 Research Area: Government
Radio Free Asia: Background, Funding, and Policy Issues
Publication Date: July 1999 Research Area: Government; Media, telecommunications, and information
Kosovo's Future Status: Alternative Models
Publication Date: May 1999 Research Area: Government
Potential partners : India and the United States
Publication Date: January 1999 Research Area: Government
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Mohammed Ayoob
Japan at the crossroads
Publication Date: January 1999 Research Area: Economics; Government; Politics
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Gerald L. Curtis
Iran: Relations With Key Central Asian States
Publication Date: July 1998 Research Area: Government
Religious Persecution Abroad: Congressional Concerns and Actions
Publication Date: June 1998 Research Area: Government; Human rights
China: Pending Legislation in the 105th Congress
Publication Date: June 1998 Research Area: Government