Research Area: Foreign relations

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The Crisis In Russia: What Should Clinton Do?
Publication Date: March 1993 Research Area: Government
Restoring Democracy In Nicaragua: No U.S. Aid Without Reform
Publication Date: March 1993 Research Area: Government
South Korea's new president faces hard times at home and new international demands
Publication Date: January 1993 Research Area: Economics; Government
Pacific summit in Seattle : testing Clinton's Asia-Pacific policy
Publication Date: January 1993 Research Area: Economics; Government
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Richard W. Baker
Dear President Clinton : voices from Asia and the Pacific
Publication Date: January 1993 Research Area: Government
Kim Young Sam's Election Signals Hope for Korean Democracy
Publication Date: December 1992 Research Area: Government
Welcome to the New World Disorder, Mr. Clinton
Publication Date: November 1992 Research Area: Government
The Future of U.S.-ROC Relations: The View of an American Conservative
Publication Date: November 1992 Research Area: Government
Why Economic Growth Is Critical to Arab-Israeli Peace
Publication Date: November 1992 Research Area: Government
Washington Should Beware of U.N. Peace Monitors in South Africa
Publication Date: October 1992 Research Area: Government; International relations