Research Area: Foreign relations

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From a Distance: Influencing Foreign Policy from Philadelphia
Publication Date: September 1991 Research Area: Government
Bush's New World Order: What's Wrong with this Picture?
Publication Date: September 1991 Research Area: Government
Introduction: Orchestrating Washington's Voice to Beijing
Publication Date: September 1991 Research Area: Government
Beware of Misleading Soviet Terms
Publication Date: September 1991 Research Area: Culture and religion; Government
The Future of U.S. -Chilean Relations
Publication Date: July 1991 Research Area: Government
Ukraine's Difficult Road to Independence
Publication Date: June 1991 Research Area: Government
What George Bush Now Must Do in Iraq
Publication Date: April 1991 Research Area: Government
The United States and Latin Relations After the Gulf War
Publication Date: March 1991 Research Area: Government
Winning a Real Victory Over Iraq
Publication Date: February 1991 Research Area: Government; Military and defense