Research Area: Foreign relations

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Assessing the Renewed U.S. Contact with China
Publication Date: December 1989 Research Area: Government
How George Bush Can Help Lech Walesa Succeed
Publication Date: November 1989 Research Area: Government
A U.S. Policy for Nigeria: Supporting Political and Economic Freedom "
Publication Date: October 1989 Research Area: Government
The Tragedy of U.S. China Policy
Publication Date: September 1989 Research Area: Government
Gorbachev's Brest-Litovsk: The Kremlin's Grand Compromise in Eastern Europe
Publication Date: August 1989 Research Area: Government
In Central America: A Chance for the U.S. to Regain Control Over Policy
Publication Date: August 1989 Research Area: Government
Post -Tiananmen Hong Kong: What Role for the United States?
Publication Date: August 1989 Research Area: Government
A Cautious Welcome for Sudan's New Government
Publication Date: July 1989 Research Area: Government
For the U.S., Continued Commitment to Asia
Publication Date: July 1989 Research Area: Government