Research Area: Foreign relations

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Angola at the Crossroads
Publication Date: November 1988 Research Area: Government
Observations on U.S. -Soviet Relations
Publication Date: November 1988 Research Area: Government
A Review of 150 Years of U.S. -Mexican Relations
Publication Date: October 1988 Research Area: Government
A Grim Reality Behind Sandinista Promises
Publication Date: September 1988 Research Area: Government
Crafting A U.S. Response to an Eastern Europe in Turmoil
Publication Date: August 1988 Research Area: Government
A Yellow Light on U.S. Joint Ventures with the Soviets
Publication Date: August 1988 Research Area: Business; Government
A Winning U.S. Policy Is Needed in El Salvador
Publication Date: July 1988 Research Area: Government
Restoring Africa's Free Market Tradition
Publication Date: July 1988 Research Area: Government; International relations
Moscow's Courtship of Mexico
Publication Date: July 1988 Research Area: Government
Bridging the Differences in the Unique U.S. -Canada Relationship
Publication Date: July 1988 Research Area: Government