Research Area: Foreign relations

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Angola's Freedom Fighters: Why They Merit U.S. Aid
Publication Date: June 1988 Research Area: Government
What Hanoi Must Do to Merit U.S. Help
Publication Date: June 1988 Research Area: Government
Cuba's Terrorist Connection
Publication Date: June 1988 Research Area: Government
Checklist for the Moscow Summit Briefing
Publication Date: May 1988 Research Area: Government
State Department Reflex: Beating Up on America's Friends
Publication Date: May 1988 Research Area: Government
In Ethiopia, Mengistu's Final Solution
Publication Date: May 1988 Research Area: Government; International relations
In Eastern Europe, This Time the U.S. Must Be Prepared
Publication Date: May 1988 Research Area: Government
Will the State Department Force Soviet POWS Back to the USSR?
Publication Date: April 1988 Research Area: Government
How the U.S. Can Help Kenya
Publication Date: March 1988 Research Area: Government