Research Area: Foreign relations

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Assessing the Summit: The Wilson Principles
Publication Date: October 1985 Research Area: Government
Romania Does Not Deserve Special U.S. Favors
Publication Date: October 1985 Research Area: Government
The White House's Confusing Signals on Mozambique
Publication Date: September 1985 Research Area: Government
In the U.S. War on Terrorism, Iran Is the Enemy
Publication Date: September 1985 Research Area: Government
Putting Nicaragua on Notice: Hands Off Americans
Publication Date: July 1985 Research Area: Government
Peru's Fledgling Democracy Needs U.S. Help
Publication Date: July 1985 Research Area: Government
U.S. -Greece Relations: An Agonizing Reappraisal
Publication Date: July 1985 Research Area: Government
New U.S. Options in Angola and Namibia
Publication Date: July 1985 Research Area: Government
Why Romania No Longer Deserves to Be a Most Favored Nation
Publication Date: June 1985 Research Area: Government
A Reagan Veto to Help South Africa's Blacks
Publication Date: June 1985 Research Area: Government