Research Area: Foreign relations

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The Castro Doctrine Makes Gains
Publication Date: September 1983 Research Area: Government
Mexico and the U.S. at the Summit
Publication Date: August 1983 Research Area: Government
Backing Honduras: Taking a Stand for Democracy
Publication Date: May 1983 Research Area: Government
El Salvador: What's Next?
Publication Date: April 1983 Research Area: Government
The U.S., China and the Security of Taiwan
Publication Date: February 1983 Research Area: Government
The "China Card": Ace or Deuce? Asian Studies Center Working Group
Publication Date: January 1983 Research Area: Government
Afghanistan Three Years Later: More U.S. Help Needed
Publication Date: December 1982 Research Area: Government; International relations
The U.S. and Pakistan at the Crossroads
Publication Date: December 1982 Research Area: Government