Research Area: Government agencies and bodies

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Food and Drug Administration: Selected Funding and Policy Issue
Publication Date: June 1998 Research Area: Government; Health
State Department and Related Agencies FY1998 Appropriations
Publication Date: December 1997 Research Area: Government
Downsizing Government: Eliminate the Commerce Department
Publication Date: July 1995 Research Area: Government
Closing Unnneeded and Obsolete Independent Government Agencies
Publication Date: January 1995 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
How Congress Is Making the New Environment Department Unconstitutional
Publication Date: April 1990 Research Area: Environment; Government
The Regulatory Revolution and the New Bureaucratic State, Part II
Publication Date: February 1989 Research Area: Government
The State Department's Structure Puts It at Odds with the White House
Publication Date: September 1988 Research Area: Government
The Regulatory Revolution and the New Bureaucratic State
Publication Date: April 1988 Research Area: Government
Rethinking the State Department's Role in Intelligence
Publication Date: February 1988 Research Area: Government