Research Area: Government employees

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The Need for More Aggressive Implementation of Income Withholding Orders Involving Federal Employees
Publication Date: January 2002 Research Area: Government; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Center for Law and Social Policy Author(s): Sara Davis
Federal Civilian Employees and the FY2001 Budget
Publication Date: November 2000 Research Area: Government
Civil Service Retirement Bills in the 106th Congress
Publication Date: June 2000 Research Area: Government
Federal Pay: FY 1999 Salary Adjustments
Publication Date: July 1998 Research Area: Government
Federal Pay: FY 1998 Salary Adjustments
Publication Date: January 1998 Research Area: Government
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
Publication Date: October 1997 Research Area: Government
Why Congress Should Not Undermine the Presidential Power of Appointment
Publication Date: July 1995 Research Area: Government