Research Area: Internal security

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Foreign Investment, CFIUS, and Homeland Security: An Overview
Publication Date: April 2008 Research Area: Economics; Government
Moving Forward to Secure the Border
Publication Date: April 2008 Research Area: Government; Population and demographics
National Security Letters: Three Important Facts
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Government
FISA Modernization Is Not About "Warrantless Wiretapping"
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Government; Media, telecommunications, and information
Expanding the Collection and Use of Open Source Intelligence
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Government; International relations; Media, telecommunications, and information
Budgeting for Homeland Security
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Government
Sovereign Wealth Funds and U.S. National Security
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Congress's FISA Folly: Why We Need the Protect America Act Now
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Government