Research Area: Public administration

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Proposed Fiscal Relief to States, FY2003-2004 -- How Does Your State Fare?
Publication Date: February 2003 Research Area: Government
Publisher(s): Families USA
Alluvial Amnesia: How Officials Imperil Communities by Downplaying Flood Risks
Publication Date: January 2002 Research Area: Government
Publisher(s): Center for Governmental Studies Author(s): Emmett Berg
A Review of the Nassau County Department of Social Services Home Care Program
Publication Date: June 2000 Research Area: Government; Health
Transparency in the Americas
Publication Date: May 1999 Research Area: Government; Media, telecommunications, and information
Summaries: 'Transparency for Growth in the Americas' Conference
Publication Date: May 1999 Research Area: Government
At Last -- Hope for Regulatory Reform in the 103rd Congress
Publication Date: June 1994 Research Area: Government