Research Area: Public finance

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Measuring Social Security's True Liability
Publication Date: May 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance
Budget Reconciliation Measures Enacted Into Law: 1980-2008
Publication Date: April 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance
Six Steps to Paying Off the U.S. Government Debt
Publication Date: March 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
The Budget Resolution and Spending Legislation
Publication Date: March 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance
FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program: Overview Issues
Publication Date: March 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance; Environment
The Federal Government Debt: Its Size and Economic Significance
Publication Date: March 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance
Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies: FY2009 Appropriations
Publication Date: February 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance; Military and defense