Research Area: Public finance

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The World Bank's Attack on Social Security
Publication Date: August 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
An Evaluation of Broome County's Community Reinvestment Programs- August 2001
Publication Date: August 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance; Health
Defaulting on the Social Security Trust Fund Bonds: Winners and Losers
Publication Date: July 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
Will NYS Miss the Biotech Train?
Publication Date: June 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
The 0.22 Percent Across-the-Board Cut in FY2001 Appropriations
Publication Date: May 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
Changes in Federal Aid to State and Local Governments
Publication Date: May 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Publisher(s): Economic Policy Institute Author(s): Lawrence Mishel
Competing Spending Priorities: A Comparison of the Senate Democratic and Republican Budgets
Publication Date: April 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Publisher(s): Economic Policy Institute Author(s): Barbara Chow