Research Area: Public finance

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The Budget Summit Agreement , Part VII: Economics Speak Out
Publication Date: October 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
The Four Percent Solution to the Deficit Impasse
Publication Date: September 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
Rx for the Federal Deficit: The Four Percent Solution
Publication Date: September 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Washington Establishment vs. The American People: A Report from the Budget Summit
Publication Date: August 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance; Politics
While Talking About a Deficit Crisis Congress Proposes Billions in New Spending
Publication Date: July 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
Solving the Deficit Problem: A Tax Limitation/Balanced Budget Amendment
Publication Date: July 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
A $130 Billion No-Tax Prescription for the Budget Deficit
Publication Date: May 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
In the Battle of the Budget Bush Should Read His Own Lips
Publication Date: May 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
Save the Gramm-Rudman Sequester
Publication Date: April 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
Rostenkowski's Budget Proposal: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Publication Date: March 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance