Research Area: Public finance

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The Peace Dividend: It Belongs to the People Not Congress
Publication Date: February 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
What the States Can Teach Congress About Balancing the Budget
Publication Date: February 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Budget Mess: A Comprehensive Plan to Balance the Budget
Publication Date: September 1989 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Case for Keeping Social Security in the Budget Moore, Stephen;
Publication Date: December 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
Why America Does Not Need More Taxes
Publication Date: November 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
The National Economic Commission: A Tax-Hike Trojan Horse
Publication Date: September 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
Fiscal Conservatism: Managing Federal Spending
Publication Date: August 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
Taming the Federal Spending Monster
Publication Date: July 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Great Social Security Surplus Hoax
Publication Date: July 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
A Budget Summit to End the $100 Billion Spending Spree
Publication Date: May 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance