Research Area: Public finance

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Price-Indexed Bonds: Trimming $12 Billion from the Deficit
Publication Date: May 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
Breaking the Budget Impasse
Publication Date: April 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
Putting Off-Budget Federal Spending Back on the Books
Publication Date: February 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
A Guide to the Reagan Budget
Publication Date: February 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
Five Quick Fixes for Social Security
Publication Date: July 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Rose Garden Budget: A Taxing Thorn in Reagan's Side
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance
Rebuilding Social Security, Part 2: Toward Lasting Reform
Publication Date: April 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance
Rebuilding Social Security, Part 1: The Crisis Continues
Publication Date: April 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance
Line-Item Veto: Trimming the Pork
Publication Date: April 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance
Dangers of the Deficit Reduction Plan
Publication Date: March 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance