Research Area: Public finance

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Understanding the Federal Deficit, Part 1: How Forecasters Get It Wrong
Publication Date: January 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance
Privatization: A Strategy for Cutting Federal Spending
Publication Date: December 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance
Giving the Budget Process Teeth
Publication Date: November 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance
Taming the National Debt
Publication Date: May 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
For $168 Billion, Only a Band-Aid for Social Security
Publication Date: February 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance
Wrong Rx for Social Security
Publication Date: January 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance
How Federal Aid Hikes State and Local Taxes
Publication Date: October 1982 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Financing the National Debt: Time for Innovation
Publication Date: August 1982 Research Area: Banking and finance
Sabotaging the Tax Cut
Publication Date: July 1982 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Reagan Budget: Still Too Timid
Publication Date: February 1982 Research Area: Banking and finance