Research Area: Public finance

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Rx for Social Security: The First Steps
Publication Date: December 1981 Research Area: Banking and finance
Budget Cuts: The Key to Economic Recovery
Publication Date: September 1981 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
The Reagan Block Grant Proposals and Congressional Revision
Publication Date: June 1981 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
The Reagan Economic Program: Selected Budget Cuts
Publication Date: April 1981 Research Area: Banking and finance; Social conditions
Balanced Budgets, Spending Limitations and the Economy
Publication Date: April 1979 Research Area: Banking and finance
A Review of the Carter Budget (FY 1980)
Publication Date: January 1979 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
A Discussion of Current Social Security Proposals
Publication Date: October 1977 Research Area: Banking and finance
Sunset Proposals: Can They Reform the Bureaucracy?
Publication Date: October 1977 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government