Research Area: Health care financing

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A First Look at Clinton's Health Plan
Publication Date: September 1993 Research Area: Health
The Promise at Hand by Terrance Keenan
Publication Date: November 1992 Research Area: Health
What's Right and Wrong with Bush's Health Plan
Publication Date: February 1992 Research Area: Health
Why "Play or Pay" National Health Care Is Doomed to Fail
Publication Date: July 1991 Research Area: Health
1990 Annual Report
Publication Date: January 1991 Research Area: Health
Using Tax Credits to Create an Affordable Health System
Publication Date: July 1990 Research Area: Health
Making Long-Term Health Care More Affordable
Publication Date: February 1990 Research Area: Health
1989 Annual Report
Publication Date: January 1990 Research Area: Health
Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans
Publication Date: October 1989 Research Area: Health