Research Area: Health services for older people

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In Perspective: Better Safety and Quality for Seniors and People with Disabilities
Publication Date: October 2010 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Families USA Author(s): Families USA
Lower Costs, Better Care: Medicare Cost Savings in the Affordable Care Act
Publication Date: September 2010 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Families USA Author(s): Families USA
Five Good Reasons Why States Shouldn't Cut Home- and Community-Based Services in Medicaid
Publication Date: July 2010 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Families USA Author(s): Families USA
The New Long-Term Care Entitlement
Publication Date: June 2010 Research Area: Health
Long-Term Services: Provisions in the New Health Reform Law
Publication Date: May 2010 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Families USA Author(s): Families USA
Older Californians At Risk for Avoidable Falls
Publication Date: May 2010 Research Area: Health