Research Area: Health services for the uninsured

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Coverage Gains Under Recent Section 1115 Waivers: A Data Update
Publication Date: August 2005 Research Area: Health
Preliminary Thoughts on California's Waiver Coverage Expansion Options:
Publication Date: August 2005 Research Area: Health
Paying a Premium: The Added Cost of Care for the Uninsured
Publication Date: June 2005 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Families USA Author(s): Kathleen Stoll
How Will Association Health Plans Affect Minority Health? Separating Fact from Fiction
Publication Date: February 2005 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Families USA
Capping Medicaid Funding: How Block Grants Would Hurt States
Publication Date: December 2004 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Families USA
A 10-Foot Rope for A 40-Foot Hole: Tax Credits for the Uninsured, 2004 Update
Publication Date: November 2004 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Families USA Author(s): Daniel Tyre-Karp, Kathleen Stoll
Health Care and the 2004 Elections: The Uninsured
Publication Date: September 2004 Research Area: Health